Friday, June 30, 2006

Chris and Amy come to play!

Chris and Amy stayed over in Woodbridge from Thursday to Friday to visit us! We talked, and played with Jack and Kai, and C&A bought us dinner at The Crown Inn (yum yum!) and we had a great time! It was great to see them and we hope they have a safe journey back to the Big Apple and we hope to see them next time when we come to the $tates and jaunt up to New Yawk!
Givin' it large on The Spinalizer!

Amy, pushing the young Mentalman Jack!

"We both jump at the same time, ok?!"


Thank you for visiting us and for the presents!

Have a safe journey !

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The Gastroenteritis Diaries


It was a bright and sunny Monday afternoon...

...with Kai coming out of school saying "I don't feel well, Daddy." She did look a bit worse for wear but I put that to the remarkably high summer temps and the possibility that she had not taken enough water throughout the day. Well, that was my initial diagnosis.

I took Kai to pick up Jack from Cheryl's house. Cheryl is our Childminder extraordinaire! She's looked after 75% of the population of Woodbridge and is a respected authority on minding the wee ones. When we walked into Cheryl's house, Kai asked her if she could have a cup of water. Kai sat at the kitchen table and sipped her water while I woke Jack up and got him ready to go. As I stood in the kitchen with Jack on my right and Kai on my left, I patted Kai on the head and told Cheryl "Kai says that she is not feeling too well so we are going to..." at which point Kai horked up all the contents of her stomach onto Cheryl's linoleum kitchen floor which immediately validated my revious statement to Cheryl! Cheryl, although not at all impressed, was understanding and as compassionate as ever and procured the basin of warm soapy water and rag that I requested and also looked after Kai and Jack whilst I was committed to the cleanification of the aforementioned expunged school lunch fish cakes, salad and cucumber.

All through the evening Kai's condition worsened; stomach cramps, vomitting and the loosest stool since the Black Plague. Water was drunk and bananas were eaten with very little let-up of symptoms. Kai eventually fell asleep at about 11pm on a "bed" of towels and blanket that Hannah setup to absorb the involuntary bowel movements which were wracking poor Kai.

It was at about 2am that I woke up from a dream I was having where I was in our bathroom and on the toilet clutching my cramping stomach and experiencing what seemed to be a case of diarrhoea of biblical proportions. When I woke up, I realised that all that was, in fact, just what I was going through...except I was still in the lounge. Good morning!

Cut to Tuesday AM:

Kai is doing a bit better. She's now "more solid" and her stomach cramps have subsided a bit but she is complaining of pains in the back of her knees (suspected "growing pains") and has gone to the GP's for a once-over.

I, now a well practiced speed crapper of Olympic level skill, am still racing to/fro the toilet begging Santa Gracia della Bagno for deliverance from my suffering.


Hannah and Jack remain uneffected, thank God.

Monday, June 12, 2006

BA (Hons) Photography and the Digital Image

I accepted the unconditional offer made by University of East Anglia to join their BA (Hons) Photography and the Digital Image program!

Although I am now incredibly nervous about this and doubt about my own ability to perform and study at this level; I am going to sink my incredibly expensive teeth into this opportunity and relish all the Mac gear that I will be able to get at a SICK educational discount!



Sunday, June 11, 2006

Strawberries a-plenty!

Polytunnels full of the sweetest strawberries ya' ever eated!