Saturday, April 29, 2006

Orwell Country Park

From time to time, we venture southwest out of Woodbridge to the Copleston area of Ipswich to a place called Orwell Country Park (OCP). OCP has a half-dozen or so groomed and maintained paths through old-grown pine and deciduous forest and some which lead down to the banks of the River Orwell*. A lovely walk/picnic spot!

*For those in the $tates: think in terms of w-i-d-e Intracoastal or New Paltz section of the Hudson with the robust nose of Long Island Sound. Mmmm!

The picture of Kai (right) was taken at a spot about 250ft from the entrance of OCP. I'm not sure of the name of the place but it is a hill which looks like a massive earthen launch ramp. This is where the pic of Kai was taken!

This pic, taken on the same day, is of Kai and Jack playing at the foot of the big hill whose name we know not.

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